Benefits of Biochar as Feed and Bedding Supplement for Dairy Farms
Dairy farmers are struggling to make ends meet. The introduction of Biochar to their feedstock and bedding could very well be the key to unlocking profitability and stemming ever-rising costs.
Swiss and German farmers have been using the benefits of Biochar for years to increase yield and reduce farming costs.
We have a Biochar production capacity of 200 tons per month of high-grade biochar as a feedstock supplement and bedding additive. And our prices are most competitive, making the use of Biochar an economically viable proposition.
We have compiled a list of benefits, down below, that would increase dairy profits in milk production and decrease farming costs. Please feel free to ask us for more information on any benefits listed.

Feed Supplement
At 200g plus 500ml lactobacilli-rich sauerkraut juice, or 400g hardwood biochar per cow per day.
· Increases net profit.
· Increases milk yield.
· Increases butterfat yield.
· Increases lean meat yield.
· Improved udder health.
· Strengthens the immune system.
· Decline in mortality rate.
· Reduces SCC (Somatic Cell count).
· Improves feed efficiency (by increasing digestibility). Thus, reducing feedstock costs.
· Generates faster growth.
· Increases appetite. (Helps to neutralise tannins in feedstock like legumes).
· Increases overall health.
· Reduced Hoof diseases.
· Reduced tail disease through freezing.
· Gives consistency in calf growth from transitioning from milk.
· Reduces diarrhoea problems from diseases and change of feedstock.
· Heals Protozoal parasitic diseases like Cryptosporidium parvum. (Taken with wood vinegar).
· Inactivates toxins such as Acidosis (caused by change of diet – like grain).
· Reduces the infectivity of viral infections like bovine rotavirus.
· Decreases Contagious Mastitis (increases udder health).
· Absorbs poisons in the gut from disease and contaminated feedstock.
· Reduces prevalence of Botulism (C. botulinum).
· Reduces effects of Mycotoxins in feedstock.
· Increases fertility. Improved pregnancy rates and decreased lost pregnancies.
· Decreases mortality and promotes longevity.
· Decreases culling necessity in unproductive animals.
· Reduces herd-replacement costs.
· Reduces the effect of glyphosate in glyphosate-contaminated silage (usually as a result of plastic wrapping of silage).
· Reduces vet bills.

Bedding Supplement
At 400g per day per cow
· Decreases manure odors.
· Increases lung health (for workers and cows).
· Decreases Contagious Mastitis.
· Reduces hoof diseases.
· Increases cow comfort.
· Decreases Environmental Mastitis.
· Helps keep bedding dry.
· Suppresses the spread of bacterial diseases like Johnes disease and E. coli.
· Reduces flies.
Manure Management
· Suppresses bad odours.
· Dries wet manure.
· Suppresses E. coli in manure.
· Mitigates greenhouse gasses from ammonia volatilisation.
· Mitigates escape of Nitrogen, (balancing Nitrogen to Phosphorous ratios for fertilising through compost production).
· Contains nutrients in composting.
· Sequestrates and captures CO₂.
Slurry Management
At 150g per day per cow
· Prevents crusting.
· Binds nitrogen.
· Absorbs microbiomes in slurry.
· Absorbs methane and ammonia reducing offensive smells of slurry.
· Absorbs toxins.
· Binds nutrients and becomes saturated and ready to populate crop rhizomes with nutrients and growth-stimulating mycorrhiza.
· Biochar remains charged for years, hosting microbiome populations for generations to come.
· Reduces the need for fertilisers and liming.
Compost / Fertilizer Production
· Speeds composting process.
· Reduces composting/manure odours during production and in the fields.
· Captures nutrients.
· Captures Nitrogen.
· Sequestrates Carbon Dioxide.
· Captures greenhouse gasses like Nitrous Oxide, Nitric Oxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Ammonia, and Methane.
· Prevents volatilisation of Nitrogen into the air through nitrification of ammonia.
· Balances Nitrogen to Phosphorus ratios as a fertiliser.
· Reduces phosphorus poisoning of water bodies.
· Reduces the need for liming.
· Saves on fertiliser re-applications.
· Mitigates the leaching of nutrients and chemicals into water bodies.
· Increases moisture in the soil.
· Increases plant/crop yields.
· Increases microbiological activity.
· Increases free carbon in the soil.
· Closes the carbon cycle.